Academic promotion success for Suvankar Pal

Headshot of Prof Suvankar Pal

Aug 2023: Congratulations to our Principal Investigator Professor Suvankar Pal who is now Professor of Neurodegenerative Disorders and Clinical Trials at the University of Edinburgh.

Suvankar's clinical and research interests are focused on improving outcomes for people with neurodegenerative disorders, including accelerating early and accurate diagnoses, evaluating atypical presentations, leading population-based disease registries for longitudinal deep clinical phenotyping, digital and wet lab biomarker development, and delivery of innovative clinical trials. 

He is co-lead investigator of the UK-wide multi-arm multi-stage MND-SMART trial, the Scottish Motor Neuron Disease Register (CARE-MND), a Deputy Director at the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic, Clinical Lead of the UK National CJD Research and Surveillance Unit, and Clinical Lead for Neurology at NHS Forth Valley. 

Related links

Suvankar's profile

MND-SMART clinical trial

Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic

UK National CJD Research and Surveillance Unit

This article was published on: Tuesday, August 01, 2023