MND clinical trial recruitment paused due to COVID-19
March 2020: In response to the rapidly evolving circumstances surrounding Coronavirus (COVID-19) we have, in accordance with guidance from our research sponsors (University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian), taken the difficult decision to pause recruitment to MND-SMART.
Alongside pausing recruitment, we will also be delaying the opening of new trial centres across the UK.
We appreciate that this will be disappointing for some people but is necessary to protect the health of people with MND, their families and the wider community.
We will continue to monitor the situation and strive to restart trial recruitment, and open other trial centres, as soon as it is possible and safe to do so.
We will keep all those who have registered their interest in MND-SMART up-to-date through regular updates by email.
Information will also be available on the trial website at for anyone to access and on Euan MacDonald Centre Facebook and Twitter accounts.