Presentations at the 2024 ENCALS scientific meeting
June 2024: Some of our early-career researchers are presenting their work at the 2024 European Network to Cure ALS scientific conference, which is held in Stockholm next week.
The annual ENCALS conference is a key fixture in the diary for many MND researchers across Europe. It's a chance to get together, discuss findings and forge new collaborations.
The 2024 meeting will be in Stockholm from 17th-20th June.
The Euan MacDonald Centre funds conference registration for early-career researchers to present at MND-related conferences. Our presentations at ENCALS 2024 are as follows. Good luck to all!
Oral presentations
Monday 17th June
- Understanding How Cognitive and Behavioural Impairments Affect the Mental Capacity to Make Treatment Decisions in ALS.
Milena Contreras, Sharon Abrahams lab, University of Edinburgh
- A comparison of frameworks for identifying cognitive and behavioural impairment in pre-symptomatic ALS
Caroline McHutchison, Sharon Abrahams lab, University of Edinburgh (now University of Stirling)
- Is a brief apathy assessment useful in motor neuron disease clinics?
Ratko Radakovic, University of East Anglia (Associate Member of Euan MacDonald Centre)
Poster presentations
Tues 18th June
- Profiling the motor neuron translatome and transcriptome across pre-symptomatic and early symptomatic stages of a TDP-43 mouse model of ALS
Hannah Smith, Tom Gillingwater lab, University of Edinburgh
- Investigating Mechanisms of Neuroprotection from Therapeutic Targeting of Glycolysis
Helena Chaytow, Tom Gillingwater lab, University of Edinburgh
- A novel humanised zebrafish model of TDP-43 pathology exhibits early neuronal and glial dysfunction, relevant for phenotypic drug discovery
Marcus Keatinge, Siddharthan Chandran lab, University of Edinburgh
- Immunomodulation in skeletal muscle ameliorates NMJ denervation in the hTDP-43 mouse model of ALS
Bernát Nógrádi, Tom Gillingwater lab, University of Edinburgh