Research open evening success

two people talking in front of a stand at the open evening

Apr 2019: Our recent Open Evening on the 10th April was a great success with around 60 people joining us on the night. 

With thousands of people affected by neurodegenerative conditions in Scotland, it’s no surprise that people are eager to know more about our neurological research. 

Since 2015, the Euan MacDonald Centre for MND research has joined together with the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic to open their doors and host research open evenings. Our most recent event, on 10th April, was another great success and around 60 people joined us on the night.

Visitors included people with MND, MS and Parkinson’s and their family and friends, alongside fundraisers and the general public.

Shuna Colville, Anne Rowling Clinic Manager, said “The open evenings are a great opportunity for people to look around the Clinic, meet researchers and hear about the current projects we have underway. Most importantly of all though, the events can provide a sense of hope to those who attend, when they meet enthusiastic researchers who are working hard to understand neurological conditions, improve quality of life for those affected, and find that longed-for new treatment or cure.”

Alongside benefiting the visitors, the events also provide important insights and motivation to the researchers that take part. It’s a chance for them to step out of the lab and engage with people who are affected by the conditions they’re working on.

Throughout the evenings, people can learn about recent discoveries, new projects and plans and, if they’re interested, even sign-up to take part.

The open evenings run once or twice a year and are publicised here on our website, on Facebook and twitter and through our newsletter.

Related links

Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic

Euan MacDonald Centre Facebook Page

This article was published on: Monday, April 22, 2019