September research open evening success

5 researchers standing smiling behind a table containing research props

Sept 2019: Visitors joined Centre researchers to learn more about MND projects underway

Another great night was had at our most recent research open evening, held alongside researchers from the Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic. 

Visitors on the evening were treated to an array of different stands hosted by enthusiastic researchers and displaying highlights from some of the many MND research projects underway.

The virtual reality tour of the Edinburgh University labs was of great interest to many people and there was amusement at the plasticine motor neurone that helped explain one of the complex systems under investigation. 

Visit our Facebook page to see more pictures from the night.

Related links

Euan MacDonald Centre Facebook Page

Anne Rowling Regenerative Neurology Clinic  

This article was published on: Thursday, September 26, 2019